Tri Poti / Three Ways


3:00 min


Tri Poti
Srce kot ljubezen, srce kot empatija, srce kot čustva, srce kot prispodoba človečnosti, srce kot življenje, pa vendar na začetku 21. stoletja srce kot mehanska pumpa, srce kot zgolj tehnični organ. Človeško ali živalsko, mehanski pripomoček za poganjanje krvi v telesu. Nič več in nič manj?
Življenje, smrt in rojstvo. Trije pojmi, ki so združeni v medsebojnem odnosu, tako jih je potrebno obravnavati saj eden brez drugega ne vzdrži če ravno so v vsakdanjem življenju prezentirani samostojno.

Three Ways
The heart as love, the heart as empathy, the heart as emotions, the heart as a parable of humanity, the heart as life; yet at the beginning of the 21st century the heart as a mechanical pump, the heart as merely a technical organ. Of a human or, of an animal - a mechanical instrument to make the blood move. Nothing more, and nothing less?
Life, death, birth. Three notions, united in their interrelation, the way they should have been regarded, as one without the other cannot last, even though they are – in the daily life – presented independently.