1:21 min ∞

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Kontrast kot temeljna značilnost našega življenja: rojstvo in smrt, toplo in hladno, staro in novo, prihajanje in odhajanje. Zahodna civilizacija utemeljena v Italijanski renesansi se mogoče bliža svojemu koncu. 500 let žlahtne tradicije se izgublja v podobah kaosa ter uničenja. Fetus se skuša prebiti, življenje najti svojo pot vendar mu omejenem s prizori destrukcije ne uspeva. Martin Luther King, govor o enakosti, svobodi, bratstvu. Ubit.

Contrast as the fundamental characteristic of our lives: birth and death, hot and cold, old and new, coming and going. Western civilization, founded on the Italian renaissance, may be nearing its end. 500 years of noble tradition is perishing in the images of chaos and destruction. A foetus is striving to break through, the life trying to find its way, but limited by the sceneries of destruction, is not succeeding. Martin Luther King, the speech about equality, freedom, brotherhood. Murdered.  

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